Latest Blogs’

Deep Dives & Dope Beats: Explore Hip-Hop in India

Dive into the vibrant world of underground Indian hip-hop! Discover the stories of talented artists rapping in various languages and making waves across the nation.

Dress to Impress: Style Guide for Pop Culture

Level up your streetwear look with Cheroots! Get inspired with fashion tips and discover how to rock the latest Cheroots clothing collections.

From Bronx to India: A Journey of Hip-Hop

Explore the fascinating history of hip-hop, from its Bronx roots to its rise to prominence in the Indian music industry.

Check out our playlist below.

What is Che Roots?

Cheroots is more than just a community; it’s a movement celebrating India’s underground artists across diverse languages and hip-hop genres. Our mission is to recognise and showcase the talents of India’s underground scene, ensuring they receive the acknowledgment they deserve.

Work with us.

This is your chance to showcase what you believe in with the help of a vibrant hip-hop community.

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